Dallas u00c9tterem Restaurant in Budapest info@dallasetterem.hu +36 70 779 6520 /DallasEtterem the following: Zay utca 5
9 5
Ranked #4.1 by AppCafe Digitalization Index

Dallas u00c9tterem digital transformation

Tracked visitors
Positive feedback
AppCafe ranking

About Dallas u00c9tterem

Dallas &xc9,tterem, Budapest, Hungary. , . Dallas &xc9,tterem

According to AppCafe stats, this place is one of the most popular Restaurants in Budapest. We graded Dallas u00c9tterem with the rating of 4.1 absed on the open statistics, reviews and feedback from visitors.

Dallas u00c9tterem Mobile App

For now the Dallas u00c9tterem Restaurant does not have a mobile application for online ordering and delivery built with AppCafe platform.

Dallas u00c9tterem reviews in Budapest

There were about 10 confirmed visitors for Dallas u00c9tterem last time and 107 guests left a feedback. The average rating is 4.1.

Dallas u00c9tterem address

Dallas u00c9tterem address in Budapest is the following:
the following: Zay utca 5

Dallas u00c9tterem online ordering and delivery

As far as we know, Dallas u00c9tterem does not provide delivery and online ordering in Budapest.

Takeaway orders for Dallas u00c9tterem

Unfortunately, for now the AppCafe team has not received any information on the takeaway options from the Dallas u00c9tterem. Are you a representative? Contact us: info@appcafe.org

Is the Dallas u00c9tterem a popular place in Budapest?

The Restaurant popularity is a relative indicator. However, there were about 0 positive reactions during the last time.

What is Dallas u00c9tterem official website?

The Restaurant official website appears to be dallasetterem.hu.

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